About Me

Short Bio

Hadi Pranoto, Vice Dean of Engineering Technology at Universitas Mercu Buana, and also as director in Maintenance Company and Consulting Heavy Trucks and Bus Parts Availability “ASD”, CEO e-commerce gudangparts.id, ngebengkel.com and chief director in Ijatec.com Independent International Journal, interest in the field automotive and safety engineering for trucks and bus.


Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering (2019), Universiti Tunn Hussein Onn Malaysia/UTHM, Malaysia, Thesis : Speed and fatigue Control Using Speed Limiter Integrated Fatigue Analyzer For Truck and Bus

M.Eng.In Mechanical Engineering (2011), Universiti Trisakti, Jakarta, Thesis : Corrosion cylinder liner impact application bio solar B5-20 For truck and bus transports

B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering (2008), Universiti Mercu Buana Jakarta, Thesis : Innovation Double Ignition For Toyota Kijang 2 k

Career History & Current Positions

•   Vice Dien. Engineering Technology. Universiti Mercu Buana.

In the field of innovation and students, responsible for several innovations technology and student organization activities, develop and active lead 5 department under faculty.

[2019 – Now]
•   Chief Director. Ijatec.com, international Journal Artificial Intelligence, mechanical engineering, mechatronic and materials. Is an independent international journal that aims to integrated industry and academic? [2019 – Now]
•   President Director. Maintenance Partner and Parts Consulting. Managing a workshop improvement and Maintenance Consultant project with more than 100 fleet customer, trust to be after sales services Eaton transmission product from USA in Jakarta area. [2012 – Now]
•   Secretary of city Transportations Council. Bekasi, West Java. An organization formed by the Bekasi city government, to create smart city. [2017 – Now]

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